
Version 2.0

Version 2.0 implements support for dicom format

Both, the offline as well as the online converter tool can now convert dicom files to Tissue Stack's internal raw format via dcmtk (http://support.dcmtk.org/redmine/projects/dcmtk/wiki/Overview)

Supported are:

  • gray-scale data of various bit depth
  • color data

"Partially" supported are:
  • Siemens mosaic files which will be (for now at least) displayed in the same way a time series would
  • In Multi-Frame only the first frame will be considered.
Both of the limitations above are, in part, due to the display modalities of Tissue Stack which is inherently 3D.

NOTE: jpeg 2000 compression is not supported

How to prepare dicom data for Tissue Stack conversion?

Single images can just be used/uploaded as are.

Series have to be zipped with the requirement that there only be one per zip and no sub-directories be used within the zip!


Both, the offline and online converter will unzip the contents of the zip into the /tmp directory using the zip name as a subdirectory.

Conversion may take a while depending on factors such as size of zip, use of compression, and type of data. In general, single images (obviously) and data interpreted as time series (incl. Siemens mosaic) will be much quicker than anything else which will be reconstructed into a 3D volume.


